









Startup project that was conducted under USC's IYA program. Pavenly is a web platform that aims to align users with career paths, provide tools to increase their skill set, and help them build a portfolio through micro-internship projects.

Startup project that was conducted under USC's IYA program. Pavenly is a web platform that aims to align users with career paths, provide tools to increase their skill set, and help them build a portfolio through micro-internship projects.

Startup project that was conducted under USC's IYA program. Pavenly is a web platform that aims to align users with career paths, provide tools to increase their skill set, and help them build a portfolio through micro-internship projects.

Startup project that was conducted under USC's IYA program. Pavenly is a web platform that aims to align users with career paths, provide tools to increase their skill set, and help them build a portfolio through micro-internship projects.

Startup project that was conducted under USC's IYA program. Pavenly is a web platform that aims to align users with career paths, provide tools to increase their skill set, and help them build a portfolio through micro-internship projects.

Startup project that was conducted under USC's IYA program. Pavenly is a web platform that aims to align users with career paths, provide tools to increase their skill set, and help them build a portfolio through micro-internship projects.

2020 - 2021 (8 months)


Product Designer & Team Lead


2020 - 2021 (8 months)


Product Designer & Team Lead




Many students lack hands-on experience that may prevent them from transitioning into their careers. The goal of this project is to explore how we can help students prepare for post-graduation work, ease their transition, and help them acquire new skills that they haven't been exposed to in a classroom setting. My team consisted of a project manager, UX researcher, product designer, tech lead, and business lead. The result was a platform that aimed to help companies assess candidates’ soft skills.

Many students lack hands-on experience that may prevent them from transitioning into their careers. The goal of this project is to explore how we can help students prepare for post-graduation work, ease their transition, and help them acquire new skills that they haven't been exposed to in a classroom setting. My team consisted of a project manager, UX researcher, product designer, tech lead, and business lead. The result was a platform that aimed to help companies assess candidates’ soft skills.

My goals

My goals


Conduct user research, generate personas, and lead the design direction


Conduct user research, generate personas, and lead the design direction


Conduct user research, generate personas, and lead the design direction


Generate 3 potential features that can solve this problem


Generate 3 potential features that can solve this problem


Generate 3 potential features that can solve this problem


Establish MVP flow for both users and companies using the platform


Establish MVP flow for both users and companies using the platform


Establish MVP flow for both users and companies using the platform

User Interviews

User Interviews

GOAL: Explore problems students are currently facing during their job hunt and understand what issues recruiters are running into

Based on 20+ interviews with hiring managers, HR, and recruiters, they face three main issues during the hiring process for recent graduates: 

  1. Misaligned career and education for candidates entering the workforce

  2. Lack of real-world experience for students and entry-level employees

  3. Difficult for hiring professionals to assess soft skills during the hiring process

  4. Lack of networking and mentorship opportunities for students


After conducting user interviews, we discovered found three goals the platforms should achieve in the MVP: 1. Allows students to gain industry project experience 2. Boosts a student’s confidence in their skills through practice 3. Allow employers to access candidate skills through projects

User Personas

GOAL: Provide a narrative for user research results.

After conducting and analyzing the user interviews, we segmented users based on their similarities and needs to create two user personas. This allowed us to better identify the motivations, frustrations, and demographic information of each user type. 

From our research and user interviews, we identified two key audiences- hiring manager and entry-level candidate (recent graduate). These personas acted as a benchmark for our team and guided us through the design process.

Sandra seeks candidates that exhibit soft skills and wants to find diverse candidates but resumes can be deceiving and difficult to determine candidates' willingness to learn.

Ann recently joined the workforce a year ago but wants to pivot her career to a Product Designer but finds it difficult to gain experience outside of her online class.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

GOAL: Explore current solutions on the market and identify how we can stand out.

Based on our research, we discovered a few weaknesses and strengths of potential competitors. To make sure our solution stood out amongst competitors, we concluded that these few key factors must be reflected in our features:

  1. Pavenly promotes equal opportunity and increases workplace diversity

  2. Employers can take a trial before hire approach

  3. Candidates can load projects directly on Pavenly in order to showcase their work to future employers 

  4. Lastly, there’s a lower barrier to entry to provide real-world experience for all levels

User Stories + Features

User Stories + Features

Based on our competitive analysis, we came up with 3 potential features we believe will make our product stand out amongst competitors.

Based on our competitive analysis, we came up with 3 potential features we believe will make our product stand out amongst competitors.

To provide a visualization of the solution, we began to sketch out possible designs. When I began this process, I decided that a sidebar navigation would be the most intuitive. I proceeded to sketch out what I envisioned the project page and progress page would look like as well.

To provide a visualization of the solution, we began to sketch out possible designs. When I began this process, I decided that a sidebar navigation would be the most intuitive. I proceeded to sketch out what I envisioned the project page and progress page would look like as well.

Wireframes + Focus Group

Since our time is limited for this project, we realized that it would be most efficient if we focused on a single key feature for the MVP. We decided that conducting a focus group will provide us further insight into the feasibility and importance of our features.

We had the opportunity to present our 3 concepts to a group of recruiters and students for direct feedback. From this session, we discovered that out of all 3 features, the micro-internships were favored by both recruiters and students.

We determined that the micro-internships should be the key feature for the current phase of the project.

User Flow

Based on our final key feature, we evaluated how users would complete essential tasks within the app, and mapped them out with user flows.

As a hiring manager, they want to start a project, check project status, and access candidates. As a candidate, we want to explore available micro internships and our current progress.


After creating wireframes for the key feature. We utilized a no-code platform called Bubble.io to build out the interaction.


After creating wireframes for the key feature. We utilized a no-code platform called Bubble.io to build out the interaction.


After creating wireframes for the key feature. We utilized a no-code platform called Bubble.io to build out the interaction.

A simple design system was created in order to maintain a cohesive interface design. Since Pavenly is a platform dedicated to providing experience and value for candidates, I wanted to choose elements that provides a motivational and educational vibe. To keep the platform minimalistic and easy to view, I decided to stick with two typographies and also throw in a few bright colors to keep the mood refreshing.

Company View - Project Dashboard

Company View - Candidate Progress

Candidate View - Micro-Internship Discovery



This project had a problem I personally experienced in college. Despite the lack of initial knowledge, our team was able to conduct extensive research to create a solution that has the ability to stand out amongst current market competitors. Our next steps would be to build out screens for the other remaining features and apply the feedback we received from the usability tests.


This project was accepted into Harvard's i-lab acceleration program

©2024 Vicki Chen

©2024 Vicki Chen

©2024 Vicki Chen

©2024 Vicki Chen